Healthy Lawn Symposium at Benedictine University

My best day at work -- and I have had many great days -- was not actually at work.  I was replying to emails from President Bill Carroll from my vacation in a 1930's cabin on the Wisconsin River.  This was the day that, after many years of gathering evidence and speaking to various groups on campus, Benedictine University took a leadership role on a very important issue of sustainability: natural lawn care.  This would never have happened without the cooperation of Campus Services; the active support of the Faculty, Student Senate, and the Center for Mission and Identity; and the unflagging campaigning by the student leaders of SEEDs, our student environmental group.  From now on, like the Chicago Park District and a growing number of school districts in the area, weeds will be controlled only by mowing.  It's important for everyone to share the information about health and environmental concerns so that the public understands that dandelions are a sign that the lawns at Benedictine are safe for everyone to enjoy. Even those who were not able to attend the Healthy Lawn Symposium last week at Benedictine can enjoy the presentations by accessing documents on Dropbox at   The presentations approached the problem of lawn chemicals in particular and toxic contamination more generally from a wide range of disciplines: science, public health, anthropology, advocacy, social sciences, and ethics.  It would be impossible to convey the richness of the discussions that resulted, but I hope you will be able to enjoy a taste of what it was.

Healthy Lawn Poster ACT edits final The Stewardship and Sustainability committee of the Center for Mission and Identity (CMI) will sponsor two other events in Spring to share information and discuss.

Healthy Lawn Community Forums

March 10, 2015 7-9 p.m. Presentation Room, Lisle Campus

April 22, 2015 4:30-5:45 Presentation Room, Lisle Campus