
60 MiNuets: Toxics

Thanks to the Environmental Health Team at UCSF for this fun and educational series on environmental toxics!

They said lead was safe. They said smoking was good for you.
What are they selling now?

A new team of reporters investigates how toxic chemicals are undermining our health and why government is failing to stop it. Modeled after the original 60 Minutes legendary journalists, you can meet the 60 MiNueTs Toxic team here:

Brought to you by University of California, San Francisco’s Environmental Health Initiative and the Program on Reproductive Health and the Environment, we will unveil one segment a week for the next six weeks featuring scientists and physicians from Columbia, Harvard, Mt. Sinai Medical Center, Boston Children’s Hospital, and, of course, UCSF.  Each segment is about 2 to 3 minutes.
As we premiere them on our social media channels, we hope you will share them with your networks.  You can follow and share from our Twitter and Facebook.  Or copy and paste these sample posts:
Facebook: They tried to keep their findings a secret. Find out what these investigative reporters uncovered. #60MiNueTs @UCSF.PRHE #HealthNotToxics #SaveEPA
Twitter: A new team uncovers the shocking truth about environmental health threats. @UCSF_PRHE #60MiNueTsToxic #HealthNotToxics #SaveEPA

In addition to the series preview, the segments include:

We want to thank the scientists who participated in this project as well as puppeteer Liz Joyce who brought our reporters to life and the Public Interest Media Group for producing the series.
Thank you and we look forward to your thoughts.
Tracey Woodruff, PhD, MPH
Professor and Director, Program on Reproductive Health and the Environment
Co-Founder, Environmental Health Initiative
Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences
University of California, San Francisco