
Top Ten Ways to Avoid Childhood Cancer, Autism, ADHD, and Lower IQs from Environmental Chemicals

Top Ten Easy Ways to Avoid Childhood Cancer, Autism, ADHD, and Lower IQs from Environmental Chemicals


  1. Remove shoes before entering the home, and if exposed to chemicals at work, wash work clothes separately from family laundry.
  2. Filter home tap water and carry and store in stainless steel, glass, or BPA- and phthalate-free containers. Microwave food and beverages only in ceramic or glass.
  3. Reduce exposure to pesticides by choosing organic foods or washing thoroughly. Choose free-range meat raised without medications and avoid eating process, charred, or well-done meat.
  4. Make informed choices about purchases by consulting the Household Products Database (USDHHS 2016).
  5. Choose non-toxic and environmentally safe chemicals, eliminate landscape pesticide and fertilizer use, and dispose of toxic chemicals safely.
  6. Cut down on fossil-fuels consumption by turning off lights, driving a fuel-efficient car, and walking and biking when possible.
  7. Avoid second-hand tobacco smoke.
  8. Limit electromagnetic energy when using cell phones, check radon levels, and weigh risks of medical radiation against diagnostic benefits.
  9. Wear protective covering and sunscreen to limit ultraviolet radiation.
  10. “Each person can become an active voice in his or her community. To a greater extent than many realize, individuals have the power to affect public policy by letting policymakers know that they strongly support environmental cancer research and measures that will reduce or remove from the environment toxics that are known or suspected carcinogens or endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Individuals also can influence industry by selecting non-toxic products and where these do not exist, communicating with manufacturers and trade organizations about their desire for safer products” (PCP 2010, p. xx).

These tips are adapted from the President's Cancer Panel's recommendations for what individuals can do to reduce their cancer risk from environmental causes. That's President Bush, BTW, just so you know.


President’s Cancer Panel (PCP). (2010). Reducing environmental cancer risk: What we can do now. Retrieved from