Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals

Boycott Billionaires! Oust the oligarchy! END THE EVIL EMPIRES!

Even though I am only one day post-hip replacement -- which went great -- I took a few minutes to cancel my Amazon subscription in reaction to Jeff Bezos's attack on democracy. Here is my message:

Jeff Bezos is helping to end democracy, so I have ended my Amazon account, as often as I use it. I will not be coming back. Boycott Billionaires! Oust the oligarchy! END THE EVIL EMPIRES!

It is not a cinch to find how to contact them directly, but here is the route I found should you be similarly inspired: Accounts & Lists>Customer Service>I need more help>Chat.

My subscription doesn't end until October, but a friend mentioned that doing so today would be symbolically powerful since it is Economic Boycott Day. It's not just DEI -- the oligarchs are also destroying democracy and ending all action on climate change. Children will be poisoned more than ever with rampant deregulation. I could go on but had better rest a bit now....